Did You Miss Me?

Well, that was an interesting couple of days. This blog is like visiting with a group of good friends, and when I can’t write, I feel cut off. I spent much of the time in non-glamourous website work, like making sure all of my domain names point to the same place. The husband prefers new construction to renovating old houses, and I am starting to feel the same way about websites.

So….some of the changes will be self-evident. My current activities are different enough from knitting design that they needed their own umbrella. I wanted something that tied into the Suck It Up, Buttercup blog, as that has been my online identity for almost a decade. The name also had to incorporate the making aspect and provide room for a business, if that should evolve. “Buttercup Designs” was too similar to BSKD and already in use in other places. When “Buttercup Made” popped into my head, it just seemed right, so I went with it. And “Made” is big enough to embrace a lot of different activities. Will I write a book? Maybe. Will I start designing custom workwear strong enough to withstand a beating by the husband? Perhaps. Will I open a homemade botanicals business? Who knows. I’ll probably begin by stocking the online store with aprons, pillowcases, and grocery bags.

If I have set this all up correctly (cross your fingers), the blog should now be part of the larger Buttercup Made site. However—and this is important to note—nothing else should have changed. Typing “suckitupbuttercup.me” into your browser’s address bar should still bring you to the site. E-mail notifications of new blog posts should still come to your inbox if that is an option you’ve chosen. The blog format has changed slightly. It’s the one change I’m not completely thrilled with, but I liked this template design more than the one I had been using.

The URL for the Buttercup Made site is buttercupmade.com. I also have an Instagram account set up under Buttercup Made, so feel free to follow me there. (I’ll start posting content there soon.) I don’t really want to set up Yet Another E-Mail Account specifically for Buttercup Made, so for now I’ll be using one of my current addresses. The Contact Form is set up to go to that account.

I am sure there are some bugs I don’t know about. If you run across any, let me know and I’ll do my best to track them down and fix them. And thanks for your patience. I need to do a last couple of checks of the Big Sky Knitting Designs website and that one should go live this week, too.


I wasn’t completely held hostage to the computer last week. On Thursday, I went to see my naturopath. He has been my primary doctor for almost 14 years now, ever since my thyroid conked out and my previous doctor insisted that all of my symptoms (weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, etc.) were the result of eating too much and not exercising enough. (They weren’t.) He has been working with me all this time to see if we could fix what was wrong. And fix it we did. In the last year or so, I’ve been able to cut down the amount of thyroid replacement I was taking from daily to only 2-3 times a week. We’ll both be thrilled if I am able to get off of it entirely. I firmly believe in the power of the human body to heal itself given the proper support. I had a battery of labs done two weeks ago and he said all of my numbers were fantastic. Yay.

After my doctor’s appointment, I went to church for our monthly sewing meeting. Some of the ladies were finishing up a quilt and Elaine and I tied another comforter.

On Friday, Cathy and I finally got to meet for lunch—soup and salad at Panera. It was good to spend a few hours with her, catching up.

Yesterday morning, we had a short meeting here at my house to plan for Advent and Christmas Eve services, and then Susan and I went to the church and spent three hours chopping onions and carrots to go into the soups that will be for sale at our church’s Ten Thousand Villages fair trade sale this coming Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. If you live in the Kalispell area, please stop in! In addition to shopping, you can also enjoy one of our delicious soups (African Groundnut Stew, Indian Dahl, or Chicken Noodle) as well as homemade applesauce, cookies, and pies.

No pictures today, but I promise that I’ll get back into the blogging groove this week. It’s good to be back.

Going Offline For a Few Days

I had an epiphany yesterday while finishing up the last tweaks to the Big Sky Knitting Designs website. I had almost given up waiting for a bush to catch on fire and start speaking.

I’ve come up with a way to corral all of my activities in one place and have a store for my sewn items without opening an Etsy shop. (Although it can be nice to have a third-party entity handling the niggling details of running a business, the whole Ravelry debacle made plain the real disadvantages of that model.) I also came up with a business name that I liked that no one else is using. I even snagged the corresponding domain name.

When I set up the website for this blog, I did it in such a way that if I ever started another kind of creatively-focused business, this would be its home and the blog would become a subset of something bigger. I’m still not sure if or how this new enterprise is going to evolve, but it needs a place to do that if it’s going to happen at all. Having just finished building another website in Squarespace 7, I am much more familiar with the software and its capabilities. The renovations to this website shouldn’t take more than a few days. Please do not expect a giant rollout with a lot of fanfare! The changes will be small at first. (You should know that I hate to change anything.) I didn’t want to disappear without some explanation, however.

And we’ll all see what happens.