A New Use for Tomato Cages

The husband got quite a bit done on the shop over the weekend. The plywood is nailed down and covered with paper. He’s going to order the metal soon (brown) and that will be the next part to get done. He says the view from up there is pretty nice.

This is my attempt at protecting the bird nest in the grass, which now has four eggs in it:


I doubt this will dissuade a determined dog or other predator, but the husband asked me to put something there so he wouldn’t accidentally step on the nest. This was my solution. The mama can still get in and out. (You can see her on the nest if you look carefully.) So far, Rusty and Lila don’t even seem to know the nest is there. I am hoping that by the time the eggs are ready to hatch, the grass will have grown up again.

And speaking of tomatoes, I got them weeded yesterday. They are also on black plastic and doing well. It’s supposed to cool off a bit to the 70s and be showery all week. My friend Anna, the caterer, stopped by yesterday afternoon to drop off scraps for the chickens. She gets a lot of her produce from local farmers and said that many of them suffered significant hail damage in last week’s storms. We had brief hail here, but it was small and didn’t damage anything. We were on the eastern edge of those storms, though, as they went straight up through the valley from the south. I saw some pictures of heads of cabbage that were just pulverized.

I’m still plugging away at the new BSKD website. As of this month, some of my church responsibilities are disappearing, including maintaining that website. We have a new leadership group and I am excited about who has agreed to be part of it. The leadership group has a new chairman—not me—and I expect she’ll do a great job. I think it is always healthy to bring in new leadership periodically instead of asking the same people to do the work over and over again. And I appreciate getting a break. In fact, I am taking the next two months off from my pianist duties, too. We have a much more informal service during July and August and the singing can be done with guitar accompaniment or even acapella.

Today is DD#2’s 22nd birthday. Where does the time go?