On Again, Off Again

I’ve been looking at this for two days now (it’s Thursday afternoon and this red light is finally green again):


People like to talk about how much time gets wasted on the internet—how much more productive we could be without it—but I’ve just been through 48 solid hours of Not Getting Anything Accomplished. It wasn’t even about not being able to get dopamine hits from social media, which I think I can live without. It was about not being able to conduct business, check bank accounts, make UPS labels for Amazon shipments, and shop for the supplies for my lettuce-growing system. If I were still transcribing, I would have lost two days of work. We had internet for about an hour yesterday before it went out again.

[We do have a robust data plan, but reception on our cell phones here is spotty. If I want to surf the internet on my phone or tablet, I have to go stand in the middle of the garden. I didn’t need to check Twitter badly enough to break trail through 10” of fresh powder.]

I wish that CenturyLink would have put the service box somewhere other than on a corner that people routinely miss when the road is icy. That box has been hit repeatedly.

I did get a few things done. I made three more insulated shades—two for DD#2’s bedroom and one for the laundry room. The shades went to the top of the queue mostly because the roll of shade material was taking up a lot of space in my sewing area and I didn’t want to have to work around it. The most time-consuming part is cutting up the roll into appropriately-sized shades. The sewing doesn’t take very long as it’s just two side seams and a top and bottom hem. I’m going to try to get the two done for DD#1’s room and the one done for our bedroom this afternoon and then I can cross those off and move on to the apron order.


Yesterday morning’s blog post was going to be about taking the pigs to the processor, but the post I wrote went into the ether and I don’t feel like trying to re-create it. Suffice it to say that it snowed Tuesday morning. A lot. Enough that what is normally a two-hour trip stretched out an additional 45 minutes. I rode along pretending that I was in Quaker meeting because the husband did not need me chattering at him like a magpie while he was trying to pull a 24’ stock trailer containing 1800 pounds of pigs on icy roads. Thankfully, he had just had a new set of snow tires put on that truck last week.

The processor said our pigs looked healthy and well fed. He told the husband while they were unloading them that quite a few animals have come in recently that were underweight. We’re not expert farmers by any stretch of the imagination, but we make an effort to give our livestock a good home and a good life, and it was nice to receive affirmation that we’re doing it right.

We’ll make a return trip in a couple of weeks to pick up the orders and deliver them to our customers.


When we were shopping with DSIL’s mother last week, I found a wind chime to add to my collection:


I like it because it’s kind of odd.

In other news, the wedding pictures are back from the photographer (Lovelight Photography here in Kalispell) and they are stunning. I need a day or two to get organized about which ones I want to order and then I’ll post a couple of highlights here.