No Complaints About the Rain

May and June are “typically” the rainy months in Montana. I put that word in quotes for a reason—those months haven’t always been rainy, especially over the past several years. We’ve even had a few Junes recently that came with heat waves and catapulted us right into fire season in July. We’re getting rain this year, though, and I am not going to complain about it. I won’t even complain if it’s a cool summer, although the tomatoes won’t be happy.

[I was shopping yesterday and overheard someone tell her friend that she was moving back to Oregon where they have a “real summer” that lasts longer than three months. Three months is long enough for me.]

I put a couple of big rain barrels out in the garden a few days ago. I am hoping to use them as an additional water source over the summer.

The husband is off to look at a job this morning. I am going to do a bit of cleaning and then see what kind of trouble I can get into in my sewing room.


It rained last night, so I sat with the husband after dinner and worked on my embroidered chicken:

The crosshatching at the bottom is yarn couched with embroidery thread. The pattern gives some embellishing ideas, although there is plenty of room for creativity. I probably will add tiny beads in the spaces between the crosshatching.

DD#2 finished a cross-stitch pattern a few weeks ago and sent me a picture:

I meant to get this when I was there so I could bring it home and have it framed for her. Next time.

She is not one for traditional cross-stitch, obviously. I suggested she look at the Subversive Cross-Stitch website—STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING, so don’t click on that link unless you’re prepared to have your eyeballs singed. I also found a little boutique in Seattle near her that carries the Subversive kits.

Meanwhile, older daughter is zipping around Alaska:

She travels to the islands around Ketchikan to see her pediatric occupational therapy patients. Normally, she takes the ferry and stays a few days, but this week, she went by float plane.


Bernina put out an open call for Bernina Ambassador applicants a few days ago. I went and looked at the requirements just out of curiosity. I qualify under the Social Influencer/Blogger category, but I don’t like the exclusivity requirement. That would be difficult if I am teaching at stores that are dealers for other brands. I’m not crazy about giving up the content rights, either. It’s something to keep in mind for the future, though.