Looking Ahead to Fall 2023

I bought a new calendar yesterday. School supplies are on display at Walmart and the desk calendar I like is in stock. I prefer a calendar that shows an entire month at a glance. I also like to color code my activities with highlighter pens.

I am caught up through October. The class coordinator at the quilt store south of town and I conferred about a few additional classes, so those are on my schedule now, too.

Tera and I were going to take a trip to Missoula today. I haven’t seen her for more than a few minutes at a time since we went to Puyallup in March and I thought it would be fun to schedule a playdate. She was called in to work today, though, so we’ll try for another time.

I heard a rumor that Missoula is getting a Hobby Lobby. Hmmmm.

I have plenty to do here to keep me busy. I made 12 loaves of zucchini bread yesterday afternoon. I miss the days when I could outsource that job to DD#2. She was much better at not forgetting to add crucial ingredients, like sugar.

I’m going to start running the air scrubber again. My eyes have been itchy for the past week. Either something is blooming or it’s the ash from wildfires. Best to get it out of the air now.


Still no chicks. I think those hens want to be broody in perpetuity. They’ve been sitting on eggs since before I left for Portland—a month ago—and if anything was going to hatch, it should have hatched by now.

The pigs have a date for freezer camp of August 14. They will be ready. That is earlier than we usually send them, but we got this batch of weaners a month earlier than usual. I still have a few to sell, so if you expressed interest in some pork, remind me again and I’ll make sure you are on the list. It is so hot in the afternoons that after I am done with chicken chores, I go out to the pig pasture and spray them with the hose for a few minutes. They love that.


My friend Susan’s daughter and SIL are building a house. The husband poured their foundation this week.

Susan’s two little grandsons were on hand to watch the pour. (I would have been there, too, but I was teaching.) I got such a kick out of this photo, where one of them ran a truck across the concrete:

I said it would have been fun to leave the tracks there, but the husband thinks they got smoothed over by the float.