My Sew-Jo Went on Vacation

I have nothing interesting to report. My sew-jo seems to have started its Christmas vacation early. I am having trouble mustering the enthusiasm to work on any projects. I can tell you that I gave the little boys their hoodies on Sunday at church and they seemed to like them as they were wearing them by the end of the service.

Yesterday was a podcast production and errands day with a meeting to cap off the evening. Today is another pumpkin day. I want to get that second batch processed and canned. I am hoping that once that big project is complete, I’ll be able to relax and do some sewing tomorrow. Friday and Saturday will be devoted to cleaning ahead of DD#2’s arrival. I’m also spending at least an hour a day practicing the accompaniment part to our choir piece for the Christmas Eve service.

This is all the sewing I’ve managed to do in the past five days. I repaired my friend Anna’s apron:

This came to me with a pretty sizeable rip down the front. I trimmed the loose threads, butted the edges together, ironed some SF101 interfacing to the back, then did two passes of a zig-zag stitch at the widest setting (9mm) and shortest stitch length over the rip. That worked well. She’ll be able to continue to use the apron. She said it was her favorite one.

This happens every year around this time. I am sure that once we get past the holidays, I will be ready to hit the ground running. In the meantime, I am organizing and stacking projects.

If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.