Partying With My Sewing Peeps
I went into town early to run some errands and headed back out to Mountain Brook in time for our 11:30 am Thursday Sewing Christmas Party. We began with a delicious potluck luncheon. Beth, who sells the most amazing book art at our annual co-op sale, had decorated the community library with fresh greenery and pop-up books of all kinds:
That’s Sarah’s arm in the bottom right. 💪🏻
After stuffing ourselves silly with excellent food and doing our gift exchange, we played BINGO. We are easily amused.
Sarah and I won several rounds and I told her we should go buy some lottery tickets, LOL. We used buttons for markers (of course) and the prizes were small items like Christmas ornaments.
We were a smaller group this year but still did a lot of laughing.
Sarah has taken up watercolor painting and she showed me photos of some of the pieces she’s done. They are amazing. I can’t wait to see what she does next!
The husband thinks I am imagining things, but I am pretty sure Dave believes he needs to protect me from Little Roo. When I threw scratch grains out to the clucks in the chicken yard yesterday afternoon, both of them were outside. I went into the coop to get eggs. Little Roo came inside. All of sudden, Dave came tearing into the coop making all sorts of warning noises and planted himself between me and Little Roo.
The husband said that Dave doesn’t do that to him and I pointed out that he’s not a hen. Neither am I, but apparently being female is enough of a reason.
I think I am going to hire someone to help me with social media and the podcast. Nicole Sauce has someone from our homesteading group helping her, so I reached out to that person and asked her if she would do the same for me. Even having her get me set up and on some kind of schedule will be an improvement over what I am doing now.
DD#2 and her boyfriend arrive tomorrow night. They are leaving on the afternoon of Christmas Day, and then I will begin my week of sewing and prepping for 2025. In addition to that Waffle Patterns tote bag, I need to make samples for upcoming classes.