Dave is a Proud Papa

I’ve had some broody Black Australorps sitting on eggs for the past few weeks, but I didn’t think much of it. No hen has managed to close the deal and hatch any chicks for years. They will get broody and sit long enough for me to get my hopes up, then abandon the nests. Still, I left these hens alone just to see what would happen.

Yesterday afternoon, when I walked into the coop to get eggs, I heard “cheep cheep cheep.” One of the Black Australorps was on the floor with two chicks next to her. She seems to have adequate maternal instincts because she scooted them underneath her as soon as she saw me. I did get this picture, though:

I’m hoping one of the chicks is a rooster. Dave is 4-1/2 years old and getting up there in rooster years. I’d rather train up one of his offspring than start over with a strange rooster. Dave has one eye on the chicks and one eye on anyone who comes into the coop. He is a good papa.

I’m waiting a few more days to see if anyone else manages to hatch out chicks.


I have been motivated to clean and reorganize my sewing area—I want to sew—and that task was on the schedule for yesterday. It is amazing what a couple of shelving units can do. This was about halfway through the process:

All of my supplies are out where I can see them, neatly organized, and labeled. I still need a few more bins, but like items are grouped together and easy to access. My class supplies, in particular, needed to be corralled. I hate wasting time looking for things I know I have. Now I can find what I need quickly and easily. This should streamline my sewing process.

I went to a party last night. Sunnie always hosts the July meeting of the Mountain Brook Ladies Club and it’s always a themed party. This year’s theme was Zodiac. I am not a member of Ladies Club but I know everyone because most of them are also in the Thursday sewing group. As usual, there was much laughter. We sat outside in Sunnie’s yard and enjoyed a perfect Montana summer evening.

Rain moved in overnight and it’s raining hard right now. This is supposed to last all day, which will be wonderful. I’m going to stay inside, make zucchini bread, and sew. Weeding is on the schedule for tomorrow.