All the Sauce

Yesterday was a tomato sauce day. I’ve got this down to a science. I started cooking down four stock pots of tomatoes just after breakfast. By 2 pm, I had consolidated them to two pots and let them cool enough to run through the Saucemaster. The canner load finished processing just as the husband got home. I process my tomato sauce in the pressure canner because I can process 14 quarts in the same amount of time that it takes to process seven quarts in the water bath.

I have another four or five quarts ready to process, but I didn’t have time for a second canner load. The leftover sauce is in the fridge and will get added to the next batch. When I get the sauce done, I’ll start on the salsa. That’s a much bigger job.

I have an experiment to add to the sewing queue for later this fall. Some years ago, I bought this padfolio that holds a yellow lined notepad. I’ve used it to the point that the outer cover is disintegrating. While I was waiting for the tomatoes to cook down yesterday, I took the seam ripper to it:

I’m going to try to rebuild it with a new cover. I may be able to salvage the inside pieces. We’ll see.

I’m motivated to get all the canning done so I can move on to sewing. The transition from summer to fall/winter seems so much easier than the transition from winter to spring.


We have a craft co-op meeting today because our big sale is in two weeks. The sale gets bigger and better every year. This is such a talented group of women. I’ve seen some of what will be in the sale—we have show and tell on Thursdays—but everything looks even better when it’s together and on display.

I’m also going to interview one of our craft co-op members this morning for the podcast. I think the story of how the co-op began and how it has grown is fascinating.

I’ve got an appointment with the chiropractor first thing this morning. The exercises definitely are helping. And I have a visit with my naturopath at the beginning of next week. I’ll be happy to tell him that I have no current complaints. 😊