One More Tote
We are deep in hibernation mode here. The husband was home again yesterday. I think it’s good for him to have some down time. The only problem is that I am tempted to spend the day talking to him instead of working. Thankfully, he has stuff to do out in his shop.
I made another Wool and Wax Tote yesterday:
I think I am done with totes now. I’ve scratched that itch. I am very pleased with the way this one turned out. A piece of precious Tim Holtz fabric was used for the lining:
I should not have opened up my bin of Tim Holtz fabric, though, because now I want to make a quilt with some of it. 😮
I need to find out where our store sourced this brown waxed canvas and if they can get additional colors. It’s lighter than the AL Frances Textiles canvas and has a nice finish. Making the bag start to finish yesterday gave me a good idea about how long the class should take.
I still have to put handles on the blue plaid version. Joanns didn’t have gray leather. I think Hobby Lobby has some and I’ll check there today. The first bag I made had cotton webbing handles that were sewn into the bag. I prefer the leather handles.
Speaking of Joanns, I have heard of a few store closings around the country. I hope ours is able to stay open. I won’t be surprised if it closes, although I don’t know where people will get fleece and flannel, because that seems to be mostly what our store sells.
I think that I am going to move on to making a couple of corduroy Ramona skirts. I want to be able to wear me-made tops and bottoms when I teach at Sew Expo and I do like the way that skirt fits.
Today is a very busy day. I have a podcast interview this morning, a lunch meeting in town, a chicken feed/Costco run after that, and our fire department trustees are hosting their annual member appreciation dinner for the firefighters and their spouses tonight.