Imagining the Garden
I wandered out to the garden yesterday to see how everything looked. The snow is mostly gone, but it will be weeks yet before I can begin working out there.
This is the west half of the garden:
And this is the east half:
It’s been cold and rainy and is forecast to be that way for at least another couple of days. I am working very hard to imagine the garden as it will be in a few months, not as it looks now.
The husband and the crew took the shade cloth off the greenhouse for me. We’re running the heater for a few days to help warm up the greenhouse and dry it out. It’s time to start seeds. I’ll also have the herb garden to clean up this year, but those beds still have snow on them.
I have had a productive week, so I rewarded myself with a couple of hours of sewing time yesterday afternoon. I knocked out a waxed canvas zipper pouch:
This is a pattern from Bernina’s We All Sew website. I’ve used it before, although I sew my zipper in at the beginning of construction, not the end. This pattern is great for leftover pieces of waxed canvas and I always seem to have those lying around.
The Homestead Foundation is moving forward on restoring the original schoolhouse building (built in 1922, not 1927 as originally thought) and we’re hosting two presenters from Preserve Montana for a workshop at the end of April. One of our volunteers is putting together a thank-you basket for each presenter and asked for donations of items made by Mountain Brook residents. These zipper pouches will be my contribution.