March is Messy
I spent Friday afternoon out in the greenhouse getting everything cleaned up for planting. The air temp was only in the high 40s, but it was sunny, so the greenhouse was nice and toasty. I worked in short sleeves.
It snowed yesterday. Instead of planting, I stayed inside. I cleaned and organized the pantry and made an apple pie for the husband. I have decided to work on perfecting pie crusts. I don’t enjoy baking and pie crusts have been my nemesis. I will never achieve the level of pie-crust art that Sarah produces, but I am getting better. I gave yesterday’s effort a B+. The husband doesn’t care because it’s a pie.
I also set up a YouTube channel for the homestead foundation and made a short introductory video. I know how to make and edit (simple) videos in iMovie, but this is not something I want to take on as a project. I’m hoping that someone else from the community will want to adopt the channel. If you’re interested, you can watch the video here.
I am going to try some new dry bean varieties this year. I ordered Dapple Gray Bush Beans, Hutterite Soup Beans, and Henderson Lima Bush Beans from MIgardener. I’m also going to plant some beans that are left from last year. I was especially pleased with these:
This variety is Emmalou’s Golden, which I got from Triple Divide. They grew well and were easy to clean. We eat a lot of beans here.
I am not sure what is going on with the big garden center, Hoopers, in Kalispell. This is the time of year when people should be working in there, getting plants ready to sell for the upcoming season. The sign says that the garden center is closed. (A health food store rents space in the building and it is open.) If Hoopers is done for business, our fundraising plant sale could do really well, but we’ll need to have some extra inventory.
I haven’t felt much like sewing, which is fine. Mentally, I am switching gears from winter to spring and a break from sewing is not unwelcome. I can tell I’m a bit restless because I had to force myself to pick up some handsewing last night after dinner. I worked on some English Paper Piecing and embroidered a bit on the current Squash Squad block.
This will pass. In the meantime, I am cleaning and organizing and getting ready to work on the robe project and the shirts for the boys. Some time in the next week, I have to set up the embroidery module on my 880 and do a test run.
And I am going to try to get chicks this week. The farm store is handing out numbers, so I have to be there when they open at 7:30 am and hope I get a number and am able to get chicks. What a hassle this is. The hatcheries are not filling individual orders—and it’s too late to order from them anyway—so if I can’t get pullets from the farm store, I’ll have to set up the incubator and deal with the inevitable excess of roosters in six months.